Occupational stress, job satisfaction and turnover among teachers of Kibuli Secondary School
The major purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between occupational
stress, Job satisfaction and employee turnover among teachers of Kibuli Secondary School. The
specific objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between occupational stress and
job satisfaction, the relationship between occupational stress and employee turnover the
relationship between job satisfaction and turnover.
The study adopted a correlation research design because it is a specific type of nonexperimental design used to describe the relationship between or among variables. The correlation
research design was used to measure relationship between occupational stress, Job satisfaction and
employee turnover among teachers of Kibuli Secondary School. In this design data was presented
into statistical information using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) from where
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficients (PPMCC) was used to test the hypotheses of
the study.
So the researcher observed and concluded that there was no significant relationship
between occupational stress and job satisfaction, a negative relationship between occupational
stress and employee turnover and positive relationship between job satisfaction and turnover.
The study recommended that there is a negative relationship between occupational stress
and job satisfaction among teachers of Lubiri Secondary School. Therefore management of the
school needs to investigate the various factors that cause stress among teachers at work which may
include, low pay, low motivational factors, providing conducive work environment, and ensuring
equal treatment for all employees in the workplace.