Assessing the effects of feed presentation on weight gain on intensive broiler production among selected farms in peri-urban areas of Kampala
This was a case study done on a selected commercial broiler production farm to assess the effect of feed presentation on weight gain of intensive broiler birds in the peri-urban areas of Kampala. Other surrounding farmers were taken into account to give information concerning the choice of feed forms they give to their broilers. These were given prepared semi-structured questionnaires, which aided in getting information from the farmers.
Of the 100 randomly selected broiler birds considered in the study, it was observed that there was a greater increase in weight gain among birds fed on pellets than those fed on mash. Mash feeds were more liked by farmers compared to pellets due to the different costs of the former. The weight gain of broiler birds was further estimated using FCR and average feed intake. There was significant increase in the mean body weight gain, feed intake and FCR of the broiler birds fed on the different forms of diet (pellets mash). The highest FCR was observed in mash fed broilers; meanwhile the pellet fed broilers had relatively the least FCR. Most of the farmers reported facing a problem of expensive feeds and diseases, which normally lead to the major losses faced in the broiler production. Therefore pelleted feed rations can be recommended for feeding of broilers in order to attain optimum economic returns.