Family systems, self-Esteem and substance use among early adolescents
Substance use is a major concern in Uganda more so when those engaging in it are early adolescents. This research study was designed to gain an understanding of the relationship between Family Systems, Self-Esteem and Substance use among Early Adolescents between 10 and 14 years and was carried out in Mengo Senior Secondary School.
It was specifically designed to 1) to find out if there is no relationship between Family systems and Self-esteem among early adolescents, 2) to find out if there is no relationship between Family systems and Substance use among early adolescents and 3)to find out if there is no relationship between Self-esteem and Substance use among early adolescents. A quantitative study was adopted using a correlation study design to discover the relationship between the variables. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) where the Pearson correlation coefficient(r) was used. The findings confirmed no relationship between family systems and self-esteem, no relationship between self-esteem and substance use and no relationship between family systems and substance use.