Perceived organizational support, work motivation and job commitment among employees of Golf course hotel
The study sought to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support, work
motivation and job commitment among employees of Golf Course Hotel, Kampala District. A correlation research design was used in the study because it establishes the direction and strength of the relationship between perceived organizational support, work motivation and job commitment among employees of Golf Course Hotel. Row data was captured from completed questionnaire sheets entered into statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) for analysis. Frequencies and percentages were used for descriptive statistics and the hypothesis were tested using the Pearson correlation Co Efficient (H1). The study observed that there was significant relationship between Perceived organisational support, Work Motivation and Job Commitment , Therefore the findings concluded that there was a positive significant relationship between work motivation and job commitment and there is a positive significant relationship between perceived organizational support and job commitment. Organizations ensure that their employees feel that there is perceived support from the organization, and this intrinsically and extrinsically motivates the employees resulting into commit to the organization. Employees who have the heart on the organization always give their all at performing the tasks and willing to commit much of their time to the job hence increased job commitment.