Effectiveness of coping mechanisms to HIV/AIDS discordant couples in Uganda
The study focused on Effectiveness of Coping Mechanisms to HIV/AIDS discordant couples in Uganda: a Case Study of Buyamba Sub County Rakai District and was premised on the four research objectives which included to examine factors that influence the rate of new infections in Buyamba Sub-county, to find out the problems faced by HIV/AIDS discordant couples in Buyamba Sub-county. To find out how HIV/AIDS discordant couples find solutions to the problems they face, To explore the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on Buyamba Sub County. The study employed a cross sectional research design and applied qualitative approach. The study employed both interview and FDGs as data collection methods and the study employed both thematic and content analysis techniques to analyze the qualitative data.
The study findings showed that having multiple sexual partners – reporting two or more sexual partners in the last 12 months – is a strong predictor of transmission of HIV. Furthermore the study findings showed that transactional or commercial sex contributed 22% of all new HIV infections that occurred during 2016 in Buyamba Sub County. The study findings showed that fear among discordant couples is a major problems in Buyamba Sub-county. Sixteen percent of women and 9% of men do not want to know if they have the virus (Uganda Ministry of Health & ORC Macro 2006). Fear of knowing one’s status, as well as the resulting consequences, is another major behavioral barrier. Furthermore the study findings showed that there is lack of knowledge among discordant couples in Buyamba Sub County. According to the UHSBS, approximately 20% of both men and women do not know where to go for an HIV test, and 11% of women and 7% of men have reported no knowledge of HIV testing. The study findings revealed that all HIV testing, prevention, treatment, and care programs can easily and effectively integrate comprehensive services for couples with a focus on knowing one’s status and supporting disclosure. Recommendations were comprehensive services for couples should be integrated into all HIV prevention and care programs. HIV prevention programs should address the issue of discordance and promote couples’ testing and counseling to prevent further transmission.