Assessment of the management practices affecting egg production in layer chicken farming in Nabweru sub county, Wakiso district
The survey was carried out in Wakiso district in Nabweru Sub County in 6 parishes namely
Kawanda, Wamala, Kazo, Nansana, Maganjo and Nakyesanja to assess the management
practices affecting egg production in layer chicken. The study was donethroughuse of
questionnaires which were administration. A total of 62 questionnaires were given to layer
chicken farmers in a period of three months in the 6 parishes of Nabweru Sub County, 10
questionnaireswere given in each parish. It was found out that some layer chicken farmers
had poor management practices. Housing construction materials were wood 46%, cages 6%,
bricks 48%. Most of these materials could not be easily cleaned hence acts as breeding places
for microorganisms responsible for losses due to diseases and low egg production.
Good layer house equipments and laying boxes were lacking in most farms, poor feeding,
dirty feed and drink trough and inadequate lighting and heating devices
Other problems noted include education and skills as far as layer chicken production were,
market was not readily available and competitive rising from kruoiler bird’s suppliers who
give at lower prices, there was poor record keeping by most farmers yet they claimed to be
doing business thus couldn’t determine the economic status of the egg production enterprises.
Diseases and various factors such as lack of vaccination, inadequate feeding, rodents and
parasitism could have contributed to egg losses and poor quality in the layer chicken industry.
In conclusion, as a result of poor management practices, there still rampant diseases
especially New Castle Disease, egg drop syndrome, infectious bronchitis and coccidiosis
mainly attributed to failed vaccination of birds, unhygienic sanitation in the housings in the
layer industry.
Therefore, farmers need education in improvement of egg production in the layer chicken
production, education and skills should be provided in order to minimize constraints affecting
egg production and quality