Assessment of how hides and skins are handled in Kitenga sub county, Mubende district
This study was designed to assess how hides and skins are handled in Kitenga sub county Mubende district; This involved the pre and post slaughter activities like transportation, flaying and preservation which in the end determined the grade and quality of the hides and skins. On site observation and use of questionnaires were used as methods of data collection. Random sampling method was used to select respondents in the study and a total of 31 respondents and 3 slaughter slabs visited. 31(100%) of the respondents acknowledged that all hides and skins produced, each counted 3 or more defects.22 (71%) said that trucks were not of recommended animal transportation design. This implies that extensive extension work about proper animal husbandry, flaying and preservation practices of hides and skins needs to be done