Isolation, identification and antimicrobial susceptability of E. Coli and Salmonella in commercial layer chicken on selected farms in Kasanje sub-county, Wakiso district Uganda
Increased emergence in microbial resistance to antibiotics is a growing problem in Uganda, a tropical country with a large growing population having limited medical facilities. The aim of the study was that the results obtained are expected to address the major causes and possible measures on control or prevention of the increasing problem of antimicrobial resistance in poultry. The study design was experimental to isolate and determine the prevalence and antibiotic resistance to E. coli and salmonella. Rectal swabs were taken from the birds by holding it with its head pointing down and the sample was collected using sterile cotton swab and put in the transport media transferred to the cooler box and transported to the laboratory for isolation and antibiotic resistance tests. Out of total 99 samples from each of cloacae swab, 37 (37%) were found to be positive for E.coli prevalence.37 selected isolated colonies were thoroughly characterized by standard biochemical tests there was salmonella colonies identified. Out of 37 isolates for E.coli subjected to biochemical tests 84% were confirmed positive. Of the 84% of the confirmed colonies identified were subjected to 5 antimicrobial agents to check their susceptibility. 100%, 80%, 64%, 50% and 13.3%, of the tested Escherichia coli strains from poultry sources were found resistant respectively to tetracycline, trimethoprim sulphamexazole, ampicillin, noroflaxacine and neomycin. Sensitivity was recorded in case of 46%, 37%, 16.7% and 3%, of the isolates to Noroflaxacine, ampicillin, trimethoprim sulphamexazole and neomycin respectively. Intermediate resistance/susceptibility to various antibiotics were observed for 29.96% Escherichia coli isolates. Both, resistance and susceptibility were exhibited against, Ampicillin, Neomycin, trimethoprim sulphamexazole and Noroflaxacine. Multi drug resistance was recorded in all the five antibiotics for all isolates tested. More cautions are recommended for personnel hygiene in processing and handling of poultry and poultry products. Excess use or abuse of antibiotics should be reduced or stopped by judicious application of antibiotics for the safety of public health.