Effort reward-imbalance, occupational stress and turnover intentions among employees of SCD Darling Company Uganda Limited
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of Effort Reward Imbalance, Occupational
Stress and Turnover Intentions among employees of SCD Darling Company Uganda Limited. A
total of 120 workers who remained in their job filled in a self-administered questionnaire. ERI
was measured by a 23-item questionnaire. Occupational Stress was measured by a 22-item
questionnaire. Turnover Intentions was measured by a 6-item questionnaire and Pearson
correlation analyses were performed. The results revealed that there is a significant relationship
between Effort Reward Imbalance and Occupational Stress and Turnover Intentions. However,
there was no relationship between Effort Reward Imbalance and Turnover Intentions. This
implies that when employees are fairly rewarded, they are likely to experience good stress. Also
occupational stress is likely to influence turnover intentions of employees. Organisations should
therefore ensure appropriate reward systems in order to ensure employee retention.