Depression, self-esteem, substance abuse among adolescents
The study examined the relation between depression, self-esteem and substance abuse among adolescents in Bweyogerere progressive secondary senior secondary school in Wakiso district and it is focused on establishment of the relationship between depression, self-esteem and substance abuse among adolescents. The study employed a cross-section approach which was quantitative and descriptive in nature. A sample of 100 adolescents both male and female between the ages of 12-19 was selected for participation in the search. They were selected using the simple random sampling techniques findings revealed that the majority of the respondents were between the 14-16 years and constituted 67%) and the majority of the respondents were male 52% findings showed that there is no significant relationship between. Depression and selfesteem among adolescents (r=.004,p=.970>0.05) while there is a significant positive relationship between depression and substance abuse among adolescents (r=.259,p=010>0.05)it was therefore recommended that stake holders such as government and civil society organisations should intervene in reducing cases of reducing substance abuse in the society. This may be done through stating up campaigns against substance abuse to drive awareness about the high prevalence of substance abuse and its effects like depression lowered self-esteem among adolescents.