Hardiness, optimism and employability among university students from Makerere University
This study was carried out with the aim of identifying the levels of hardness, optimism and employability among Makerere University students. The study used a descriptive research survey design where by qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The sample population included both male and female students from different faculties of Makerere University. The study involved 117 respondents who were students of Makerere University selected using stratified sampling. Data was collected mainly through the use of self-administered questionnaires. A correlation analysis indicated differences between the variables of hardness and optimism hence revealing that the two variables are significantly related. Optimism was revealed not to be significantly related to employability hence accepting the null hypothesis. The study revealed that hardness has no significant relationship to employability hence implying that student’s hardness beliefs do not affect their levels of employability. It was recommended that Individuals should be supported in their search for employment through counselling which should help them to get profound insight, improve their own personal outlook and to manage their own search for employment appropriately.