Job satisfaction and turnover intention among workers in Makerere University
The study aimed at investing the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intentions among employees of Makerere University. The objective of the study were to find out the levels of job satisfaction among workers in Makerere University, to find out the levels of turnover intentions among workers in Makerere University and to find out the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. The study adopted a correlation research design with a sample of 80 employees working in Makerere University. Simple random sampling technic was used to draw a sample of 65 employees who responded to the questionnaires. Data was collected from respondents using self-administered standard questionnaires and through Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) data was entered and analyzed. Descriptive statistics showed that 56.9% of the respondents were male and (43.1%) were female, majority below 25 years (26.2%) and minority were aged 40-44years (6.2%). Results from Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) further indicated that there was a relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intentions (r =-.483**, p =-.000), findings show that (94.9%) of the respondents agreed that they are likely to actively look for a new job next year, as well as (85.4%) plan to leave my job as soon as possible, (81.8%) plan to stay in my job as long as possible, (69.1%) it is unlikely that I will actively look for a different place to work in the next year, (67.3%) will be reluctant to leave my job, (78.2%) I am not thinking about quitting my job at the present time and most of the respondents showed that delayed payment (58.4%) is the reason for high turnover intentions of employees in organizations. The study identified the need for organization’s to satisfy their employees as a way to decrease turnover which will enhance satisfaction at both levels, individual and organizational level.