Role of milk processors in poverty reduction among small scale dairy farmers in Kaproron sub – county Kween district
The aim of this research study was to analyze the socio – economic role of milk processors to poverty and hunger reduction among small scale dairy farmers. Processors play a critical role in the dairy sector of value addition but mostly have been perceived to be exploiting dairy farmer but the truth is that processing increases shall life of milk and thus creates demand for more which benefits the farmers.
A lot of literature was reviewed on dairy industry especially mothers on milk processing. Furthermore policies and regulations of the dairy industry were reviewed.
Much literature was reviewed especially touching on poverty and food security.
The study employed descriptive study as research design, with the target population of sosmall scale dairy farmers and other dairy sector stakeholders. The data was obtained through interview guide document analysis and questionnaires. The data was summarized into frequencies, percentages, charts and tables.
The findings showed that the diary sector supports a lot of livelihoods and that is need or combines efforts by all the concerned parties work harmoniously in order to address poverty and hunger. Much effort should be at policies and legislation but more so is in inefficiencies at from and processing level.