An automated accession register for Rubaga Girls Secondary School Library, Kampala
This project aimed at designing and developing an automated accession register for Rubaga girl’s secondary school library. The main purpose was to ease accessioning of library materials at the school and the objectives were; to examine the current system used to accession library material, examine the modern systems used to accession library materials, establish the requirements required to design and develop an automated accession register at Rubaga girls secondary school and design and develop an automated accession register for Rubaga girl’s secondary school library.
A sample size of 2 respondents was used consisting of librarians only using the case design study and adopting qualitative approach in discussing the finding. The population of Rubaga girl’s secondary school library consisted of a population of 2 people that is; the librarian and assistant librarian. The sampling techniques used were observation guides and interview guide and data was a collected using structured and unstructured interview, and also focused on observation.
The major finding was that Rubaga girl’s secondary school library was using a manual accession register of which many challenges were attached to it like for example security issues, difficulty in retrieval of information, it was also noticed that the school library does not use any modern systems to accession library materials they were only aware of one system that is school rite and it’s was not in use.
The study concluded that use of an automated accession register will eliminate the challenges associated with the manual system and ease the accessioning of library materials, the study also concluded by advising them to out carry out more research on the modern systems.
The study recommended that Rubaga girls secondary school library should adopt the new designed system and further more encouraged the librarians should go for further training in computer operations and do more research on library systems and lastly but not list, increasing on the library budget.