Assessment of records management practices at St. Augustine’s College Wakiso
An effective records management practice is a major element of the governance of any
institution. However, despite this crucial role played by records management, there is a
consensus amongst researchers that many organizations, including schools, pay little attention to
the management of records
The purpose of this study therefore was to assess records management practices at St.
Augustine‟s College Wakiso
The objectives of the study were to establish records management practices at St. Augustine‟s
College Wakiso, identify the different types of records at St. Augustine‟s College Wakiso,
identify the challenges encountered in the records management practices at St. Augustine‟s
College Wakiso and lastly to identify the possible solutions to the challenges encountered in the
record management practices at St. Augustine‟s College Wakiso.
A descriptive research design was used in this study. The target population comprised of only 10
respondents from the staff of St. Augustine‟s College Wakiso. The study directly involved in the
practices of management of records. The sample size was determined through the census
technique since the target population was small.
The major findings of this study were that: record management practices in St. Augustine‟s
College Wakiso were inefficient; the school lacked RM policies; a decentralized records
management system was ineffective for St. Augustine‟s College Wakiso and the organization
faced major challenges in managing its records.
The study recommends for formulation of Records Management policies, centralization of
Record Management systems, budgeting and training of Record Management practitioners in St.
Augustine‟s College Wakiso.