Stress, self-esteem and depression among university students
The purposed of the study was to establish the association between stress, self-esteem and depression among Makerere University Students and the objectives of the study involved examining the relationship between stress and self-esteem among students. The research design for the study was a correlation design where quantitative method of data collection were implored to establish the relationship between stress, self-esteem and depression among University Students. The study used a sample of 2017 respondents studying from Makerere University who were selected using convenient random sampling technique. The researcher adopted a self-administered questionnaire and data was analyzed using a statistical package for social scientist (21.0 program).
The coded data was transformed and generated the tables of frequencies and percentages showing the respondents personal data and the table showing Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient between stress, self-esteem and depression among students of Makerere University. Results showed a significant relationship between stress and depression. (r= .149*, p=0.032<0.05), no significant relationship between self-esteem and depression (r= -0.003, p=0.973>0.01) and a significant relationship between stress and self-esteem (r= -.140*, p=0.044<0.5)