Parenting practices among mothers in Kyengera market Kyengera Town Council, Wakiso District
The study sought to identify parenting practices among mothers in Kyengera market Kyengera town council in Wakiso district. The study further sought to identify factors that influenced parenting practices and also to examine challenges experienced by mothers in the parenting process. It adopted a qualitative research approach and a case study design. The study was based on a sample selection of ten participants and two key informants using a purposive sampling method to select participants. In- depth interview guide and key informant interview guide were the tools used to collect data and data was analysed in a thematic form which revealed that mothers used a number of parenting practices during their parenting process. These included consistent discipline, establishing household rules, training children life skills, communicating parental goals and close monitoring of children. Social economic status, level of education, parental knowledge and parental goals were factors that influenced parenting practices. The study findings also revealed that though mothers used a number of parenting practices when raising children, many of them their lives were filled with problems and uncertainty regarding their ability to meet their children’s physical, emotional and economic well-being, they faced challenges such as financial constraints, lower education level, failure to find childcare support and family misunderstandings. I recommended that mothers should be supported financially such that their role of parenting is eased, awareness campaigns on the importance of marriage institution and finally counseling is recommended for mothers who suffer from psychological tortures and other negative situations.