Assessing preservation of records at the Jinja district local government
The study was undertaken to assess the preservation of records at the Jinja District Local Government Registry. The study was based on the following objectives to identify the types of records preserved at Jinja District Local Government ,find out how preservation of records is done at Jinja District Local Government, to identify the challenges faced in records preservation at Jinja District Local Government, make suggestions so as to improve preservation records at Jinja District Local Government.
The study further used different methodologies to collect data, interpreted it and presented it for more understanding the researcher used the qualitative approach and then adopted the case study. Data was collected using the interview guide, observation guide and a sample of ten staff members was used to collect information on the preservation of records and the study majorly focused on the primary sources like the interview guide to come up with conclusions.
The findings of the study identified that the JDLGR preserves the following records; personnel records, reports, administrative records, policies and financial records. The study revealed that the preservation of records of records is done by storing the records in file cabinets and acid free boxes, prevention of sunlight from affecting the records is done by use of curtains so that the records serve for as long as they are needed and in case of fire out breaks they have fire extinguishers.
The study identified various challenges facing preservation of records at JDLGR which included lack of storage equipments, limited storage space, lack of a disaster preparedness plan, limited staff. Such challenges make it had to preserve records for as long they are needed. Therefore the study recommended the following; coming up with a disaster preparedness plan, provision of adequate quality funds, employing more registry staff members, increasing the storage space so as to overcome the challenges facing preservation of records at the JDLGR