A qualitative study exploring the personal factors and ethnic hatred among Students of Makerere University
This study sought to examine the relationship between background factors and ethnic hatred and family factors and ethnic hatred students of Makerere University. A correlation study design was adopted. A total of 1100 questionnaires were randomly distributed among respondents, with this the researcher considered a sample size of 285 respondents according to Krejcie & Morgan 1970. The researcher used self-administered questionnaires which consisted of closed end questions to collect information from the respondents. Data was entered into a computer using Statistical Package of Social Scientists (SPSS). Findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between background factors and ethnic hatred. Findings also showed that there is a positive relationship between family factors and ethnic. In conclusion the researcher concluded that there is a positive relationship between background factors and ethnic factors and also there was a positive relationship between family factors and ethnic hatred.