Factors influencing adoption to biosecurity activities on broiler farms in Kahoora Division in Hoima Municipality
The aim of the study was to find out factors influencing adoption of bio security activities on broiler farms in Kahoora division in Hoima municipality. Data was collected using open and close ended questionnaires.
In the study, 16% of the farmers carried out vaccination of their broiler birds and they vaccinate against Marek’s, Gumboro and Newcastle diseases as one of the biosecurity measures farmers use on their farms. On the factors that influence biosecurity adoption on the broiler farms, 25% of the farmers were influenced by distance from other farms as they adopt to biosecurity activities. On the constraints farmers face while adopting to biosecurity measures, 36.4% said they lack extension workers
Famers should have minimal biosecurity measures schedule at their farms and should contain Vaccination program, Hand-washing, Specific facility clothing, Proper disposal of wastes and farm fencing