Parental participation in education of their children at primary level: a case study of Mpumudde b village Lwengo District
Parental participation in the education of their children is justified for because it brings about improved academic performance and good behaviour of children. The descriptive and cross- sectional study was conducted in Mpumudde B Village, Ndagwe Sub County, Lwengo district to examine parental participation in the education of their children’s , gender and level of education influence on parental participation ,and school practices and activities that encourage parental participation in the education of their children. The study was conducted with a sample of 120 parents, 6 teachers and 12 children using a survey, face to face interviews, narrative method and the study found out that parental participation in the education of their children is still poor.
The study with evidence shows that the schools (Kasozi primary School and Mpumudde public school) have a number of activities that encourage parental participation; however, the schools don’t have a written policy on parental participation in the education of their children. And the study findings also showed that female parents participate more in their children’s education as compared to male parents. The study findings from the chi-square showed that the higher the level of education, the more the parent participates in the educational activities of their child. While the lower the level of education, the less a parent participates in the educational activities of their child.However, the responses from the key informants showed that parents with a high level of education and those with less or no education both participate in the educational activities of their children as long as they interested.
Finally, the study presents the summary of findings and concludes that parental participation is poor due to the failure of parents to help their children with homework, failure to pick up children’s reports and failure to discuss with their children about academic performance .The study, therefore, recommends for united effort between all stakeholders so as to improve parental participation in the education of their children so as to promote education as a child right. For example male parents should get more involved the education activities of their children, the Government should increase on creation of awareness through sensitizations on the importance of parental participation in the education of their children as well to design a written policy on parental participation that each school should implement to promote the practice of parents participating in their children’s education.