Communityawareness about household air pollution and associated respiratory symptoms in Namuwongo slum,Makindye division,Kampala.
Household air pollution (HAP) is one of the world’s Environmental Health problem. The use of
solid fuels is associated with non-communicable diseases including stroke, ischaemic heart
disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. However, whether the
extent to which slum residents are exposed to household air pollution as well as whether slum
residents are aware of the risks associated with the exposure have not been studied. Namuwongo
slum is one of the suburb in Kampala beset with difficulties in air pollution both Household and
outdoor air pollution. This research provided evidence based information on the common
biomass fuel used in Namuwongo slum, the awareness levels about HAP, and the common
respiratory symptoms faced by the people in the slum.
The main objective of the study was to assess community awareness about household air
pollution and associated respiratory symptoms among adults in Namuwongo slum, Makindye
division, Kampala Uganda
It was a mixed method study conducted in Namuwongo slum in Makindye division, Kampala
among the households. The study included 227 respondents and two focus groups discussions.
Quantitative data was collected using a pretested, semi structured questionnaire uploaded on
epicollect5 web and mobile application. Qualitative data was collected using focus group
discussion guide. Quantitative data was cleaned and analysed using STATA 13.0 to generate the
frequencies and percentages which were presented in frequency Tables, and Graphs. Qualitative
data was transcribed to generate transcripts. The transcripts were read through several times to
generate themes. The categories of the themes were interpreted for their descriptive meaning
and the quotes from the content were presented in the result section.