Use of laboratory animals in selected secondary schools, Kampala district
This study was initiated to gather valuable information regarding the use of laboratory animals in different secondary schools in order to impact on the knowledge and attitudes towards the use of laboratory animals in secondary schools. There is eminent lack of awareness or information about laboratory animals and their use in secondary schools in Uganda. This project therefore made an inquiry among schools in selected locations to know their attitudes and knowledge about the use of laboratory animals hence improving on the awareness and knowledge about laboratory animals and their use in secondary schools. The researcher was inspired to investigate the awareness and knowledge about laboratory animals and their use in secondary schools, to identify different market niches available, to identify the importance of laboratory animals to students in secondary school which helped to improve on the awareness and knowledge to students in schools and also initiating skills and also improving on the market to ease supply of animals to schools.
The study employed cross - sectional research design that used qualitative and quantitative methods in data collection. The study involved systematic collection of data from key respondents, who identified the factors that led to the poor performance in schools and lack of knowledge about the laboratory animals and analysing the collected data, making conclusions and recommendations and citing areas for further research.
Analysis and interpretation of the findings revealed that the awareness and knowledge about laboratory animals in secondary schools whereby there is eminent lack of awareness or information about laboratory animals and their use in secondary schools in Uganda which has led to the poor performance in some schools around Kampala, the market niches around Kampala for the supply of laboratory animals because the market supply and availability of laboratory animals is low and poor which has limited easy access of the animals to schools hence denying much awareness to students as far as practical’s are concerned, the benefits and importance’s of laboratory animals to students as far as practical are concerned whereby it has been noted that due to lack of enough knowledge and awareness to some schools in Kampala, has limited proper exploitation of skills to the students hence poor performance.
The researcher makes a number of recommendations to limit on the factors that affect schools as far as practical’s are concerned for laboratory animals include: the government should empower the young people with knowledge and awareness through carnivals, media, exhibitions and sensitizations about laboratory animals to students in order to contribute positively to their own development and skills , practical’s to their improvement on their studies as far as practical’s are concerned. While evidence suggest that many students in Uganda are pushed into schools due to lack of knowledge and awareness on animals, their motivations for practical’s shift over time.