Now showing items 159-178 of 596

      Eco-photography as a medium of challenging dumping of non-bio-degradable material in Makerere University. [1]
      The effect of internal brand development and buyer characteristics on brand communication effectiveness: a case study of Senator extra lager around Kampala district. [1]
      The effect of lack of anatomy study resources to the students of Margret Trowell school of Industrial and finearts. [1]
      The effect of studio equipment maintenance on the practice of art in Uganda [1]
      The effect of studio practice on student's performance in painting at Margret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art. [1]
      The effect of technology advancements on graphic designers in Kampala Central, Uganda today [1]
      The effective use of drawing materials and techniques in the drawing elective course by students of Margret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art [1]
      The effectiveness of graphic design of MTN image based billboards in Kampala city [1]
      The effects of clay preparation on the quality of clay sculpture [1]
      The effects of computer technology on the quality of artworks done by students at MTSIFA of Makerere University. [1]
      Effects of COVID 19 in the fashion and design industry in Uganda [1]
      Effects of covid-19 pandemic at Makerere University Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art. [1]
      The effects of digital painting on studio painting at Margaret trowel school of industrial fine art and design [1]
      Effects of firing ceramic pieces at Mtsifa Makerere university [1]
      Effects of inadequate materials in the fashion classes at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial Art. [1]
      The effects of inadequate sculpting materials and tools at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Art through the COVID-19 pandemic. [1]
      The Effects of limited fashion tools and materials on the number of Male students offering fashion design at MTSIFA [1]
      The effects of limited Jewellery raw materials a cause to Inadequte production among Jewellery students at MTSIFA. [1]
      Effects of mass production on art in Kampala. [1]
      Effects of online studies and examination on Makerere University art scholars. [1]