Now showing items 21-30 of 60
Art and Craft practices in Bududa Town Council.
land slides being the most word pronounced in Bududa district does not mean the end of the road in the district. Hence are the reasons why one should make a step to adventure Bududa town council. It has got good land scape ...
The influence of foreign culture of fashion design industry in Uganda.
The research examined the influence of foreign culture on fashion design industry in Uganda.The study was carried out with the main objective to evaluate the co-existence of both the foreign and the indigenous cultures ...
An exploration of how the incorporation of the Kitenge Fabric onto already made Garments has influenced fashion styles among the youths around Kampala.
The study was meant explore how the Kitenge fabric has incorporated into already made garments among the youths around Kampala.
More so, the thesis was based on the following objectives in relation to the study topic ...
The iconography of the Motifs of the local textile decorations in Kampala.
The study focused on the iconography of the motifs of the local textile decorations within Kampala and it was guided by three major objectives namely; To find out and document the common Motifs used on fabric decoration ...
Impact of technology to the development of pottery within Buganda region (Namanve and Kibumbiro)
Pottery is defined as a craft of making objects (pots, bowls, dishes, cups) and many others out of clay that have been fashioned into desired shapes usually by use of hands and dried then fired to high temperature so that ...
Utilization of African Traditional Designs by Art students at Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art
This research Report Looks at how African Traditional designs have been utilized to enhance the artwork quality that is in line with the African design process and create an element of originality. The report shows a ...
An investigation of how the political, social and cultural state of Uganda since the 1960's to today have shaped the subject/style matter of sculpture around Kampala.
The study sought to investigate on how the political, social and cultural state of Uganda since the 1960's have shaped the subject matter of monuments selecting specifically the Independence, Chogm/Stride, Journey and Sir ...
Student intake per course: a case study of Jewelry.
The study starts with an introductory part, MTISFA student intake pre course. A case
study of jewelry. It then gives some enlighten on the history of jewelry of the world
and the techniques that were used to make beautiful ...
Findings on the major contribution of portriat painting to the MSTIFA community
what other objects are in the painting, besides the sitter? if there sitting down/ what kind of chair is it-fancy ornate chair, soft velvet sofar or plain wooden chair? are they holding anything or are the objects in the ...
The importance of Textile in Interior designing and Decoration in Kampala District.
The study was intended to investigate the importance of textile in interior designing and decoration in Kampala district. The study was guided by three objectives that were,
i. To identify the different textile items ...