Anti-bacterial activity of ethanolic extract Of Allium Sativum against archived Salmonella Typhi and Staphylococcus Aureus
This cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the antibacterial activity of A. sativum on S. typhi and S. aureus. This cross-sectional evaluation was carried out in the microbiology laboratory Mulago, between April and July 2019. Samples of A. sativum were obtained from a local market. It was thoroughly, cleaned, and peeled sterilized with ethanol and then washed with clean water. Standard isolates of S. typhi and S. aureus obtained from an archive in Mulago Hospital were cultured on Mueller Hinton agar. Ethanolic extract of A. sativum was prepared using mortar and pestle for grinding and muslin cloth was used to obtain the liquid part of the extract, after which the extract was taken to oven to evaporate ethanol, and put into the rotary evaporator to remove the remaining water then the stock concentration was made. The antibacterial activity of A. sativum was tested on S. typhi and S. aureus using agar well diffusion method on Mueller Hinton agar plates, MIC and MBC. The diameters of Inhibition zones of growth were measured in millimeter (mm), the dilution of 1:0 exhibited the highest antimicrobial activity against the tested organisms with 39mm on S. aureus and 28mm on S. typhi. And for MIC, a higher concentration of the 50mg/ml A. sativum extract was required to inhibit the growth of S. typhi and S. aureus and the least concentration that followed dilution of extract that inhibited bacterial growth was 25mg/ml. Minimum bactericidal concentration, the plates that cultured test tubes 1 to 2, showed no bacterial growth while plate used for culturing test tube 3 showed pure growth for S. aureus and for S. typhi all plates showed no bacterial growth this indicated that the concentration needed for killing Gram-positive (S. aureus) was 100mg/ml and that of Gram-negative was 50mg/ml.