Percieved risk of acquiring infections and practices of infection prevention among care givers of patients with HIVAIDS and T.B at Hoima Regional Referral Hospital
Caregivers play an essential role in patient care within healthcare facilitiesand
home based care in Uganda through provision of physical, social economic, emotional and other
forms of support services like comforting and feedingthe patient at all times.
Aims: The purpose of this study wasto explore the roles of primary caregivers, their perceived
risk of acquiring infections and infection prevention practices while providing care to patients
with infectious diseases.
Methodology:An exploratory qualitative study was conducted using an in depth interview guide.
12-25 adult primary caregivers, who are providing care to patients with HIV/AIDS and
T.Badmitted at Hoima Regional Referral Hospital, Hoima district at the time of the study were
recruited. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was done.
The following themes emerged; Perceived risk of acquiring infections through direct and indirect
contact with blood and body fluids and air droplets, practices of infection prevention which
included cleanliness, use of PPEs, segregation and avoidance practices.
The study revealed that most caregivers of patients with infectious diseases in particular HIV and
T.B perceived that they were at risk of acquiring infections from their patients while providing
care. However, the ways of acquiring these infections was not matching bio medically approved
ways of transmission thus putting them at risk of acquiring infections while providing care.
There should be programs to always orient caregivers especially those who have patients with
infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and T.B among others about their roles, different ways of
transmission of infections and practices of infection prevention during the time of admission of