An aid to quicken the approval process of structural drawing at KCCA for typical residential buildings.
Low-rise residential buildings are relatively easy to design with few variations from one building
to another. This implies it is easy to verify that structural drawings are sufficient and conform to
the KCCA standards.
The approval system follows “first come first serve” methodology. The simple residential
buildings are placed in the same cue as the complex structures yet the approval of these residential
buildings takes much lesser time, in other words there is no segregation of files.
The emphasis of this research was therefore to quicken the approval process of structural
drawings for typical 2-Storey residential buildings at KCCA using the aid that we developed.
The structural elements considered were concrete beams and slabs.
Chapter one covers the introduction to this research and justifies as to why the research should be
implemented at KCCA.
Chapter two covers the literature review in relation to the research. It illustrates the approval
process, level of compliance to this process in Kampala, the materials considered in the research
and common methods of construction of residential buildings.
Chapter three covers the methodology. It shows the methods and steps taken to develop the aid.
Chapter four covers the analysis and results gotten using the methods shown in chapter three.
The analysis covered the different typical element sections.
Chapter five covers the challenges, conclusions and recommendations