Evaluation of records storage and appraisal practices at Cairo International Bank
A study was undertaken to evaluate storage and appraisal practices of records at Cairo International Bank. It was centered on the following objectives; to identify the kinds of records managed at CIB, to analyze the existing storage and appraisal systems at CIB, to establish the challenges faced in storage and appraisal of records at CIB and to suggest possible solutions to the problems faced in storage and appraisal of records at CIB. The study adopted a mixed research approach where aspects of quantitative and qualitative research designs were used. Data was collected using interviews and observation analysis from six staff who were purposively selected for first-hand data collection because I believed that they had trustworthy information on storage and appraisal records practices. There are different types of records that are generated and stored in Cairo bank like administrative records, financial records and legal records among others that included balance sheets, financial contracts, loan / credit files, payment vouchers, budgets, cash book records, recommendations, historical records, attendance registers and appraisal forms. Storage equipment used included both paper and electronic materials like file cabinets, file covers, storage boxes, drawers, external hard disk, flash disk, memory cards, CD and DVD. The Records formats included paper based records, electronic records, and audio visual records among other formats. Tools used in records appraisal included appraisal checklist, electronic records Inventory worksheet, records retention schedules and forms. Problems facing records storage and appraisal practices included loss of data (that arises loss of relevant information), duplication of records (that renders provision of inaccurate information), inadequate skills (since staff is partially educated about the records practices), dust (leads to information loss), inappropriate filing and appraisal procedures, inadequate storage space( that creates bulk on records storage and appraisal), poor file folders and lack of a strict records management policy. The solutions to the problems facing storage and appraisal of records at Cairo international bank included staff training, regular authorized software upgrades, provision of standardized records storage equipment, controlled and authorized records access, appropriate appraisal procedures should be established, regular cleaning and dusting of the records storage areas, digitization of the records, regular use and updating of antivirus software. I concluded that the banks records management at large in the records office was in a sorry state which requires the recommendations below to for the bank to benefit from the fruits of a well-functioning bank records storage and appraisal and records management at large and recommendations were also explained to help in the improving the records department if all are being put into consideration.