Now showing items 38-57 of 77

      The effectiveness of the law on implementing the right to a clean and healthy environment during oil and gas exploration and production in Uganda [1]
      Electronic health: An assessment of the regulatory framework in Uganda [1]
      Engendering the empowerment of women through inheritance rights: an analysis of the succession (Amendment) Act, 2022 [1]
      Examining access to criminal justice during public health emergencies in Uganda; A case study of Kampala Metropolitan Police Area [1]
      Examining the efficacy of commercial arbitration as a mode of commercial dispute resolution in Uganda [1]
      Examining the legal framework governing mineral resources in Uganda: how legislation on gold can push Uganda to middle income status [1]
      Examining the role of corporate governance law in promoting sustainable development in the developing world: the case of Uganda [1]
      Exoneration of convicts in Uganda [1]
      The federo question: a legal exploration from 1986 to date [1]
      A feminist analysis of the impact of the law on abortion in Uganda [1]
      Freedom of expression in Uganda in the digital era: an analysis of the limitations to this right [1]
      From ancient to modern battlefields: Unconventional technologies and tactics in military warfare and their implications for International Humanitarian Law [1]
      How the prevention and prohibition of torture act,2012 can be effectively enforced to meet Uganda's obligations relating to torture. [1]
      The implication of the Susan Kigula case in regards to the delaying the execution of the death penalty [1]
      Intellectual property in culture: a concept worth the chase or a dream to forget [1]
      The international water law implications of the construction and operation of major infrastructural projects: the case of the grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam [1]
      'Kadama' analysing the legal and institutional framework for labour externalisation in Uganda. [1]
      Legal aspects of sustainable environmental land use management [1]
      Political dialogue under the 2000 Cotonou : addressing the gaps in the right to freedom of expression and assembly in Uganda [1]
      Post-deportation risks and human rights: a case of state obligations under international human rights instruments [1]