The Effect of Household Level Factors on Food Security among the Households: Case Study of Mutungo Village Kampala
This study was undertaken to assess the household level factors and their effects on food security among the households in Mutungo village,Nakawa Division, Kampala district. Differentsampling methods like simple random sampling were used to select the respondents toparticipate in the research project. The questionnaire approach was mainly used in data collectionand the data collected was analyzedusing different software packages like SPSS at univariatelevel and bivariate level.In order to establish the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables,number of meals eaten a day were used to measure the dependent variable. And the independentvariable included among the following, sex of the household head, occupation of the head,education level of the head, income level of the head a day, education level of the spouse,Occupation of the spouse and then the size of the household.The study revealed that household level factors like education of the head, income of thehousehold head a day and the household size had a significant relationship with the foodsecurity