Effects of Fuel Price Fluctuations on Commodities Rendered by Medium Sized Firms: Case Study of Crest Foam Limited
This study was conducted to find out the effect of fuel price fluctuations when the communities rear-ended by medium-sized firms Crest Foam limited as the case study. The objectives of the study were to examine the effect of fuel price fluctuations on the prices of different mattress sizes manufactured; to find out the effect fuel price on the output of mattresses pillows and foam sheets; to assess the relationship between price and the total cost of production of mattresses; to examine the relationship between fuel price and gross profit from commodity sales.
The study was going to tetas vintage of frequencies on percentages were used. There was such an employed the use of questionnaires and these were addressed to all respondents who were responsible for that information dissemination for the other company.
Findings from the study revealed that is a moderate significant relationship between price and output manufactured by the firm, the relationship between fuel price and sales is a negative strong significant relationship, there is an issue between fuel price and cost of production is significant positive and strong, the relationship between fuel price on mattresses is a significant weak positive relationship under Licious you between fuel price and gross profit is significant negative weak relation.