Reviewing the art of printmaking in Magret Trowell School Industrial and Fine Arts between 2014 to 2017.
This research is concerned with examining the quality or conditions of the art printmaking since 2014 at Margaret Trowell School of industrial and fine art Makerere University so as to make
Some changes.
The study was about the conditions of printmaking at Margaret trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art, Maker ere University Kampala.
In chapter one, there is the Back ground/introduction of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives, research questions, significances, scope and the limitations of the study that the researcher used to make up the chapter one of the report.
In chapter two, this is only composed of the reviewed literature about the study that is the printmaking. The literature review was only related to the study of printmaking.
In chapter three, the methodology the researcher used composes this chapter where the data collection is showed, the introduction, the researcher design, population sampling is showed. The data collection methods are also shown in this chapter and analysis is also shown.
In chapter four, this is the chapter that holds the findings of the research, the data analysis and the discussions that are back bone of research in the field.
In chapter five, the conclusion, bibliography and appendices of the research are found in this chapter. From these, the conclusions are composed of the problem through the findings and the analyzed data, the bibliography is composed of the different source of information the researcher used in the process of making the report and the appendix is composed of the samples of the different ways used in the data collected by the researcher.