Determining the pre-disposing factors to bovine mastitis in selected dairy farms in Gayaza, Wakiso District
The research work was designed to determine the predisposing factors to bovine mastitis disease in Gayaza Wakiso District. The study design was observational in nature and through use of an interview guide. The study sample was determined through snow balling method of collecting data where a farmer refers the researcher to another fellow farmer among 40 respondent dairy farmers. According to farmer’s knowledge, 87.5% of the farmers were able to describe what dairy cow mastitis is while as 50% could state the microorganisms.For the predisposing factors, the study showed that the environment as a predisposing factor is as a result of milking animals in places with incomplete floor (75%). 25% farmers milked cows from kraals with poor drainage systems. 75% of the milking people followed random order of milking cows, Those that did not clean the udder were 25%% and 62.5% never dried udder and teats. Most farmers (50%) kept exotic breeds of cows which are high milk yielding cows. 62.5% farmers kept cows that had calved down at least four times which easily expose cows to mastitis. The farming system was predominantly zero grazing (62.5%). The following control measures shows that 15% of the farmers were able to screen for bovine mastitis through use of CMT and 40% of the farmers performed teat dipping. 25% of the milking people followed orderly milking procedures, 62.5% of the milking people had short clean fingernails and clean clothes which ensured hygiene before milking, and those that cleaned the udder were 75% ,37.5% dried udder and teats.