A marketing plan for Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development Library, Lira
This study was about designing marketing plan for Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development (UCIPD) Library located in Boroboro outside Lira via Kampala -Gulu Highway. It was performed under that the following objectives; to identify need for marketing library services, to establish the current methods of marketing library services, to find out the challenges to marketing library services, and to design a marketing plan of the library services.
This study looked forwards to identify solution to underutilization of resources and services and it was significant to library users, University management, librarians and also information professional. It also confined its self around geographic scope, source of information, contextual and time scope.
This study usedcase study design while embracing qualitative research approach. A target population of three (3) participants were selected and purposive sampling technique was adopted. A sample size of three (3) were given a chance to participate in this research and different data collection methods like interview method and document analysis were considered and adopted to support data collection. The researcher conducted qualitative data analysis while analyzing data and different data quality control techniques were adopted to ensure validity and reliability of information.
Researcher identified that among selected respondents, two were male and one female aged between 25-45 years. He also identified that at UCIPD, student mostly go to library during test and examination. Researcher identified different types of services in UCIPD library as, book loan services, current awareness services and others. When marketing library services, different method were adopted such as advertising through emails, social media and prints.
In the process of marketing, UCIPD library has faced a number of challenges like lack of trained staff, inadequate information materials, unstable power supply, and lack of enough funds to market their services and loss and damage of information materials by the users. In order to improve mentioned challenges, some suggestions were made like training staff members, installation of automatic generator and setting up strict punishments to victims of damaging and losing information materials. Recommendations were made such as communicating new services to target audience and others.