Effects of Mondia Whitei as a supplement in egg yolk semen extender on motility and vitality of stored goat semen
Mondia whitei was used in ancient times as an aphrodisiac even though little scientific evidence existed about its efficacy since then many studies have been carried out to determine its efficacy and be applied in other techniques like this study which was carried out to determine its application in preservation of goat semen in vitro. The egg yolk semen extender was attributed to EYCE (egg yolk coagulating enzyme) that reduces the vitality of sperms and also there are cold induced injuries and reactive oxygen species during semen preservation that killed the sperms resulting into reduced total sperm motility hence need to supplement the egg yolk to improve on its effectiveness during preservation of goat semen. An aqueous root extract of Mondia whitei has a supplement in egg yolk semen extender was administered in goat semen in vitro and semen stored under different temperatures and different time intervals that is 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours for incubation at 370C, 24 and 48 hours for both room temperature (250C) and after cryopreservation and 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours for storage at 40C. Mondia whitei supplemented egg yolk semen extender had a significantly enhanced total motility as well as maintained a higher percentage live and intact membrane of sperms compared to the egg yolk semen extender which was not supplemented with Mondia whitei in a time dependent manner under all the temperatures at which the semen was analyzed. These data may open the way for the use of aqueous root extract of Mondia whitei has a supplement in egg yolk semen extender during preservation of goat semen under all temperatures to maintain a higher motility and vitality which is attributed to a higher pregnancy rate during artificial insemination and the data may also be extrapolated to use Mondia whitei to treat men with asthenozospermia though more research is needed to see if the same effects of Mondia whitei on sperm motility and vitality are maintained in vivo in men before they recommend its use in men.