Assessment of the factors that affect the academic performance of secondary schools in Tororo district
The purpose of the study was to assess the factors that affect the academic performance of secondary schools in Tororo district. A cross sectional survey design with a sample of 70 students drawn was undertaken with self-administered questionnaires used to collect responses. Using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS), a measurement of significant relationships between the variables was done subject to critical data processing and analysis.
Findings indicate that there were positive and significant relationships between the level of parents/guardian income, marital status, and level of education of parents/guardians on the academic performance of students at Tororo Progressive School. However, there was a very weak relationship between students’ participation in co-curricular activities like Games, clubs, Music, Dance & Drama and their academic performance which eliminated it as a significant contributor to academic performance. The findings further revealed that the independent variables had a 57.6% effect on the academic performance as per the regression model developed.
The study recommends that schools, government Ministries, Departments & Agencies (MDAs) should consider the parents/guardians regarding any interventions to be done so as to improve academic performance of students in any educational institution across the country. Parents and guardians who were seen as educated, earning well and married had their children reported either good or excellent academic performance.
Lastly, there is need to emphasize the variable of level of income of the parent/guardian which was found to be the most significant variable on academic performance of students. With more income earned by a parent, there will be more disposable income available with more invested in the children’s education through provision of necessary scholastic material and payment for remedial lessons; which ultimately bring about an improvement in academic performance of a student.