Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Assessing the pre-disposing factors for tick borne diseases in dairy cattle in Gayaza Nangabo Sub County
(Makerere University, 2019-08)
The purpose of this study was to assess the predisposing factors for tick borne diseases in dairy cattle in Gayaza.
The data was collected through observation and interviewing in face to face interviews among 45 dairy ...
Survey of tick species infesting cattle of Bukhaweka sub county, Namisindwa district
(Makerere University, 2021-02)
A survey of tick species infesting cattle in Bukhaweka Sub County Namisindwa district was conducted in January 2020. The people of Bukhaweka Sub County are mixed small holder farmers; raring cross breeds of dairy cattle, ...
Assessing farmers’ knowledge, attitude and practices in managing mastitis in Katabi Towm Council, Entebbe
(Makerere University, 2022-10)
Diseases among dairy cattle are a great hindrance to the profitability of the dairy sector of
which mastitis produces significant economic losses. This study assessed farmers’ knowledge,
attitude, and practices regarding ...
Determining the prevalence and the predisposing factors of mastitis in dairy cattle in Masaba Subcounty, Sironko District
(Makerere University, 2024)
Dairy production is one of the largest agriculture sectors contributing to the food
security globally through milk and milk products such as yogurt, cheese, butter.
However, bovine mastitis is one of the costly diseases ...