Now showing items 1-3 of 3
hydroponic fodder production experience among small holder's dairy farmers in Awach sub county Gulu district
(Makerere University, 2022-03)
The study on hydroponic fodder production, experience among small holder’s dairy farmers was conducted in Awach sub-county, Gulu district in November 2021 using cross sectional survey and sample of 157 small holders dairy ...
Assessment of the knowledge and practices on sub-clinical mastitis control in smallholder dairy farmers in Nakifuma-Naggalama town council Mukono district
(Makerere University, 2022-12)
Dairy production is a source of employment, income and livelihood to people in the
dairy sector especially in peri-urban areas. In Uganda, smallholder dairy farming
significantly contributes to the milk produced by the ...
Assessment of gender involvement in the Parish Development Model among the dairy and piggery farmers in Bufunjo Subcounty Kyenjojo District
(Makerere University, 2024)
The parish development model (PDM) is the current strategy for service delivery by government of Uganda for improving incomes and welfare of all Ugandans at house hold level. Production being one of the five pillars of ...