Effect of entrepreneurship on poverty alleviation among farmers in Uganda (A case study of Wakiso District)
The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of entrepreneurship on poverty alleviation among farmers in Uganda with a case study of Wakiso District. A cross sectional research design was used and the study applied the simple random sampling technique to select a sample of 100 respondents. This method was considered appropriate since it gives respondents an equal chance of being selected into the sample as it has no bias, enables a representative sample of the population to be selected and eases generalization of the obtained findings. The study used SPSS software and descriptive analysis was applied to analyze the data at two different levels.
Majority (26%) of the farmers selected for the study were males and most of the farmers were aged 30 years and above. As regards to marital status, majority (62%) were married and 32% had finished tertiary education, 24% had finished only secondary, 24% primary and 22% did not attain any form of education. On the factors that were associated with poverty alleviation, farm inputs, farmers networking, and multiple sources of income were significantly associated with poverty alleviation among farmers
Therefore, the researcher recommends that entrepreneurship development should be inculcated into the school’s curriculum to promote human empowerment and development through entrepreneurial education and training. Last but not least, the government of Uganda should provide enabling environment conducive for the smooth operation of both indigenous entrepreneurs and foreign investors in order to boost the economy, reduced.