Examining spatial and temporal rainfall characteristics of June - August season over Uganda
Rainfall particularly in Uganda exhibits great spatial and temporal variability due to complex topography, in land lakes like L. Victoria and seasonal migration of the ITCZ as well as the climate variability and change. The objective of this study was to examine spatial and temporal characteristics of the June - August (JJA) seasonal rainfall over Uganda.
The study used both daily station and monthly gridded CHIRPS datasets the data were analyzed using Origin pro, Arc GIS 10.5, EXSTAT and Excel sheets for the different output results. Different metrics such as climatology, frequency of wet and dry spells were developed.
The results of the study revealed that monthly rainfall variations are such that August has more rainfall compared to June and July with the lowest in June but gradually increases into August. Arua, received highest amount of rainfall followed by Soroti and Lira while the Southwestern of Uganda received the least.
During JJA, the frequency of wet days had a higher percentage of occurrence at a station compared to wet spells and maximum length of wet spells. Maximum length of wet spells were more variable compared to wet days and wet spells throughout the country expect for Arua where wet spells were more variable. The Northern region had the highest frequency of wet days, wet spells and longest length of maximum length of wet spell while the southwestern had the least frequency but highest variability of wet days, wet spells and shortest length. Kitgum had the highest frequency of wet days in June and highest frequency of wet spells in August mean while Arua had the highest frequency of wet spells in June and July.