Factors influencing the growth of slums in Luwero district: a case study of Kasana mabale
The research study was on the factors influencing growth of slums in Luwero district: A case study of Kasana Mabale. In spite of all efforts and introduction of various housing policies in the country, slums continue being a permanent feature in our society. In the view of this, the study sought to investigate the factors influencing the growth of slums. In particular it sought to find out the relationship between infrastructure, migration and population with the growth of slums. The study was conducted through survey method. Data was collected using questionnaires from 80 households heads obtained through cluster sampling in Kasana Mabale. It was then analyzed using SPSS and presented in form of descriptive statistics, chi-square tests and binary logistic regression. The study revealed that many people had access to good infrastructure and it didn’t contribute to the growth of slums. The study revealed that migration played a role in the type of housing where one lived, most of rural-urban migrants settle in informal solutions leading to mushrooming slums and squatter settlements. Finally, the study revealed that population was high which forced people to live in slums. Further research could be carried out to establish the impact of devolution and the establishment of devolved units on the growth of slums.