Analyzing the effect of introduction of industrial loads on the distribution network security
A distribution power utility company is mandated to supply electrical energy to the final consumer which includes both industrial demand and domestic demand. There has been a steady increase in industrial parks which are being set up in various places for instance Namanve industrial park, Mbale industrial park, Jinja industrial park among others. These industries being set up lead to increased strain on the already existing power infrastructure which constraints lead to unprecedent challenges on the distribution network for instance the jinja industrial park demand is about 40 MVA. Industrial load demand has seen a steady growth in the eastern region around the areas of Jinja Industrial, Iganga, Mayuge and Njeru. The resulting implication of this has been congestion on the distribution system assets, thus leading to overload capacity on the grid assets. In May 2019, President Museveni commissioned the construction of the Meghi Magan Patel (MMP) industrial park in Buikwe district about 12km from the Njeru substation. The current loading profile of MMP stands at 20 MVA, but is expected to rise to about 58 MVA on completion and establishment of all the industries in the industrial park. With this, the total load demand has increased to about 90 MVA for the entire area.
Therefore because of such a huge load demand, there’s a need to investigate the effect of such a demand on the existing infrastructure. This is necessary to ensure that for future industrial parks, the distribution utility can plan accordingly to ensure a continuous power supply to the industrial loads thus reduce downtime suffered by the industries due to cases of load shedding.
In this project work, we took on the task of investigating the effect of this industrial park on the existing infrastructure through data collection and using simulations i.e transient stability analysis and contingency analysis using digs lent power factory software. It was found that for a three-phase fault on line from the Owen falls station to Njeru, there would be a total blackout due to lack of alternative path to evacuate power with MMP connected. This would imply halting of operation of industries which would lead to massive losses. It was also observed that there was loss of synchronism at Kakira co-generation, and this would a loss of a key reactive power supply to the industries in the Jinja Industrial park.