An investigation of the illegal residential developments within Namutumba Town Council: a case study of the central ward.
This study was conducted in order to identify the number of residential houses which have been constructed since plan was made, causes of illegal residential developments, their impacts on the urban setting, authority(council), and the possible strategies to minimize these illegal constructions in Namutumba town Council specifically the central.
While in the field, various methods of data collection such as in-depth interview, administered questionnaire, documentary review and sampling method were applied. Observation was used in this research and the researcher remained a passive observer, observing activities to draw conclusions from them and this technique helped to identify the level of conformity of the proposed physical development plan current activities in the Ward. Interview method was mainly be used to collect qualitative data to a larger extent as it involved discussion of ideas and interactions between a researcher and a selected person(s) using open ended questions to gain a deep insight in the topic. This engagement was a person-to-person interaction and with this method I was able to find out the percentage of landowners with development permission and those without, causes of the illegal developments and other information using this method and the last method I used was the questionnaire method which involved the use of pre-determined questions printed on papers which was delivered in person to the respondents to be answered in writing for example questions to be asked included; Do you have a building a building permit, if no then why?, Do you have a building plan, if no then why?
It was the above methods that I used to collect data while in the field which data I analyzed to come up with the findings and then I drew a conclusion and recommendations.
This study was presented in five chapters, chapter one covered introduction of the study, chapter two, literature review, chapter three, research methodology, chapter four, presentation and discussion of the research findings and chapter five, the conclusions and recommendations.