Public Perception and Attitude towards Gazetted Areas for Tourism Industry: A Case of Lake Mburo National Park
Public attitudes and perceptions are critical in determining tourism development in host destinations and cannot be overemphasized. This study was conducted around Lake Mburo National Park (LMNP). To assess the attitudes and perceptions of local residents towards tourism development within the community around the park. Specific objectives of the study were: to determine the level of the public involvement in tourism development of Lake Mburo National Park, to determine the attitudes and perceptions of the public to Lake Mburo National Park and its environment and to determine factors that influence the attitudes and perceptions of local people towards tourism development. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect primary data while secondary data was sourced from published and unpublished sources like books and journals. Data was analyzed using SPSS to determine the attitudes and perceptions of the public towards LMNP. The data analyzed included level of resident’s perceptions and attitudes around Lake Mburo National Park, community participation and factors influencing public attitudes and perception towards tourism development.
The study revealed that that public agreed that they participated in conservation of the park and wildlife although they did not actively take part in the tourism development decision- making process, and wish to have a voice when decisions However the public agreed that hostility of park management has affected the participation of public in tourism in Lake Mburo National Park. The study further revealed that the public agreed that local community awareness influenced attitudes and perception towards tourism, the amount and type of benefits led to positive attitudes and perception towards tourism development in LMNP. Further more perceptions and attitudes of residents were influenced by the nature and type of the job as well as the employment opportunities to local people.
Thus the study recommends that Lake Mburo National park management should aim at not only changing attitudes and perceptions of the local people towards wildlife conservation and tourism development and awareness campaign on the benefits accrued from community tourism should be intensified to increase the local community participation in tourism development in around Lake Mburo National Park.