Nutritional composition for the three jackfruit types grown in Uganda
Jackfruit is the largest tree born fruit weight up to 45 kg, the fruit is becoming of great economic value because of its nutritional value and rich mouth feel. These nutrients are important in prevention of nutritional related problems and therefore jackfruit can be important in reducing nutrition related disorders. This work was conducted to determine nutritional composition of jackfruit. Orange, yellow and white flaked jack fruits were purposively selected from three markets located in Kampala namely; Owino, Karelwe and Kasubi. The flakes were extracted from each jackfruit type and analyzed for both proximate composition and sensory characteristics. Significant difference was observed in moisture content of three jack fruit varieties with yellow, white and orange flaked jack fruit showing 73.83%, 71.02%and59.25% respectively. Dietary fibre was higher in Yellow flaked jack fruit (5.97%) compared to the orange and white flaked jack fruit. Vitamin C content was higher in Orange flaked (24.26mg) compared to the white and yellow flaked jack fruits. All the types showed relatively higher carbohydrate which was in the range (16.71 to 21.34) %, the white flaked type exhibited higher fat content (5.95%) compared to others while orange flaked jack fruit was superior in terms of vitamin A (957.00 IU) than the yellow and white flaked which exhibited (156 IU and 454.50 IU) respectively. White flaked jackfruit showed higher overall acceptability followed by orange and yellow flaked types. The high acceptability in white flaked could be due to high TSS. Also, white flaked jackfruit is energy dense and has good taste and texture which makes it more superior in terms of calories and therefore recommended for people with high energy needs and minimally processed products. Both Orange and yellow jackfruit flakes are generally higher in vitamin A and therefore important for people deficient in vitamin A and yellow flaked jack fruit could be recommended for overweight individuals. Encouraging people to consume jackfruit is a good strategy mainly in the rural areas where jackfruit is generally under-utilized and people usually have vitamin A and energy related disorders.