Analysis of infant mortality rate due to malaria in Masaka Regional Referral Hospital (2004-2013)
The study analyzed the trend of infant mortality due to malaria in Masaka Regional Referral
Hospital (2004-2013). The objectives were:- to establish the relationship between infant mortality and age, to determine the rate of occurrence of infant mortality by sex differentials, and to forecast for the trend of mortality in infants for the next 5 years in Masaka Regional hospital.
This study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data. Secondary data was obtained from hospital records for patients below 5 years. A correlation analysis was undertaken to determine the relationship between infant mortality and age; and an independent sample t-test was used to find out if infant mortality differed by sex. A statistical based excel function was also used to forecast the trend of infant mortality in the next five years.
The study found out that there was a significant relationship between infant mortality due to malaria and age, and that there was no significant mean difference in infant mortality between male and female infants in the hospital. The trend forecast revealed that infant mortality is expected to rise for the next five years in this hospital.
The researcher concluded that there is a significant relationship between infant mortality due to malaria, and age; no significant mean difference in infant mortality between male and female infants, and that infant mortality is expected to rise for the next five years in Masaka regional referral hospital.
The study recommends proper child nutrition, strengthening immunization programs, improving on child care practices, access to clean water and sanitation to avert water borne diseases, and encouraging communities to be involved in practices that reduce infant mortality.