Workplace learning and social interaction and job performance among employees of Makerere University
The Purpose of Study was to examine the relationship between workplace learning, social interaction and job performance among the employees of Makerere University. Objectives of the Study were to determine the relationship between workplace learning and social interaction among employees. To examine the relationship between social interaction and job performance among employees. To examine the relationship between workplace learning and job performance among employees. The researcher used self-administered questionnaires containing predominantly close-ended questions. The first hypothesis stated that workplace learning has a significant positive correlation with social interaction of employees. Results in table 5 indicate that there no significant correlation between Workplace Learning and social interaction. The second hypothesis stated that there is a significant relationship between social interaction and job performance. Results in table 5 indicate that there is no significant correlation between social interaction and job performance. The third hypothesis stated that workplace learning has a significant positive influence on job performance of employees. Results in table 5 indicate that there is no significant correlation between Workplace Learning and job performance. In conclusion, workplace learning may not induce high levels of social interaction among employees. Social interaction is not vital to the learning process hence this may decrease employee’s performance. It was recommended that workplace learning may not greatly impacts on employee social interaction, Makerere University should strive to workplace learning with in the university to boost social interaction of staff