Design and construction of an automated bushera making machine.
Chapter One gives a brief background & introduction, main and specific objectives, justification together with the scope to the project entitled Design and Construction of an Automated Bushera making machine. It also gives the information about the project in brief and spots out reasons to as why we chose such a project.
Chapter Two contains the literature review of the Automated Bushera making machine and explains in detail several technical aspects of the project including manual procedure for the bushera porridge preparation and the automated developed system, selection of the specific project components that were required to enable us fulfill the project objective, providing detailed explanation for these components and how they help execute the objective .
Chapter Three covers the practical work done during the project build up process by highlighting the methods used to execute the objectives. It also contains the progress information about the project which covers the system design , testing and validation and also a detailed explanation on the working of the device prototype.
The last chapter, which is the fourth chapter expounds the achievements and challenges faced during the project prototype build up process , recommendations to the university and also gives a precise conclusion. Lastly but not the least are the list of references to this report and the Appendix.