Reward systems, organizational commitment and job satisfaction among employees on National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)
The main purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between reward systems, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The objective of the study was; to assess the relationship between reward systems and organizational commitment, to assess the relationship between reward systems and job satisfaction and to assess the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The study adopted a correlational survey as its research design where quantitative method was used to gather information for proper analysis and making appropriate inferences, generalizations and conclusions to the population where a sample size of 84 both male and female was used. The research study employed a simple random sampling technique to select the respondents. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents and the analysis was done using SPSS version 21. Pearson correlation was used to examine the relationship between the study variables and it was found that reward systems and organizational commitment are not significantly related (p= 0.153> 0.000, r= 0.157), reward systems and job satisfaction are significantly related (p= 0.001<0.000, r= 0.351**) and organizational commitment and job satisfaction are not significantly related (p= 0.515>.000, r= 0.072). In conclusion the study found reward systems plays a pivotal role in determining employees’ organizational commitment. The researcher recommended that Reward and compensation should create perceptions of fairness by paying competitive wages, offering competitive benefits and promoting the most qualified employee to enhance job satisfaction.